Mom Reveals Dark Past As A Heroin Addict, But Her Transformation Proves Recovery Is Possible

Addiction is a very complex issue with no easy answers.

At this moment, addiction rates are at historic highs, and we are living through an epidemic of opioid abuse.

Some people who get sucked into the dark world of drugs get clean with help from friends and family, like this young woman who was saved by her grandpa's tough love.

However, not everyone is so lucky. Lives are lost every day, and for some addicts, the idea of recovery is so far away that it can seem nearly impossible.

But one mom is here to prove that recovery is still within reach, even for people who have hit rock bottom.

Melissa Lee Matos knows this from firsthand experience. Recently, she shared her disturbing (but ultimately hopeful) story when she posted graphic photos of herself in a state of active addiction on Facebook's Love What Matters page.

Melissa is in recovery today and can recognize how detrimental her actions were. She is sharing the ugly truth to serve as a cautionary tale to others who might be at risk for walking down a similarly dark path.

Note: If you or anyone you know is struggling with drug addiction, you can find information at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

WARNING: Some readers may find the following content upsetting. If you do not wish to see images of drug abuse, please click back to the LittleThings homepage.

Facebook / Love What Matters

Melissa Lee Matos made major waves with a post on Love What Matters, chronicling her addiction and recovery.

Her story has made a huge impression, with more than 27,000 online reactions and 11,000 shares as of publishing time.

Melissa writes:

I have NEVER shared these before. I’m not sure I ever intended to.

This is extremely hard for me in so many ways. However, too many people are dying.

I have friends who need to see this. It goes beyond what my words can accomplish.

This is by far the most raw thing I have shared with the world. Please read. Please share.

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

My name is Melissa, and I’m an addict. I have been clean and in recovery for just about a year and five months.

Below, you will find extremely disturbing images of me while in active addiction. This was what I looked like, daily, for years.

This is what my husband dealt with. This is what my little girls walked in on. This is what my family and friends saw, on the rare occasions I left the house.


Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

I was SICK. I was DYING. I was so far gone I thought I could NEVER recover.

I was so lost I couldn't imagine a life without using. I just wanted to die. I didn't realize I was hardly alive.

If you are currently in active addiction, this is my plea to you. Look at these pictures. Images of a dead girl.

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

A needle junkie with a habit so fierce she spent days and nights in a self induced coma on her bathroom floor.

A girl who would spend every cent on dope and forget she had kids to feed and take care of.

A girl who lost every single thing she ever had. A girl who was so sick she thought she would never ever find a way out, until she did.

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

If you are reading this and are going through the same pain I did, I am begging you to reach out. I died more than once.

I have now found life. I promise you, there is HOPE. There is recovery. There is freedom and serenity and you are worthy of it.

Please, please reach out. You do not have to suffer any longer. You are not alone. Just reach out your hand, I'm right here.

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

My name is Melissa. I am a RECOVERED addict. Share with me your darkness, and I’ll lead you towards the light. I love you all. 

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

Melissa bravely shared her story to show others that recovery is possible, even when it seems unthinkable.

The mom now works as a freelance writer and a social advocate with a focus on addiction and recovery at RecoverMe.

At this moment in time, her story provides a much-needed ray of hope for the millions of families impacted by addiction.

Facebook / Melissa Lee Matos

If you or anyone you know is struggling with drug addiction, you can find information about treatment at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Recovery is an incredibly challenging process, but Melissa proves that, even for those who have reached their lowest point, a clean, happy life is within reach.

Please SHARE this powerful story and help spread hope for those who think it's lost!