Tired Mom Of 4 Is Annoyed When Stranger Asks To Take Her Photo, Then Realizes She’ll Cherish It

Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs out there — and the more children you have, the more challenging it becomes.

Being a parent takes a lot of patience, which is something even celebrities like Justin Baldoni have spoken about publicly.

Normal, everyday tasks that parents used to do without problems — like going to the grocery store — become huge to-dos.

Jess Wolfe is a mom of four who knows this all too well. On a recent trip to the grocery store, she was struggling to deal with quartet of young children.

When a woman interrupted her to ask if she had a phone that took photos, Jess was annoyed. She didn't have the time or energy to deal with yet another person — or so she thought.

Once she realized why the woman was asking to use her phone, Jess was absolutely blown away. She quickly handed over her phone, then she and her children turned to pose for a picture at the stranger's request.

[H/T: Refinery29]

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

After Jess posted her story on Facebook on August 2, 2017, it went completely viral.

Within eight days, it had over 157,000 reactions and almost 26,000 shares.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

Jess wrote:

Sweaty, baby strapped to my back, three year old insisting that her belly hurts and NEEDS her donut that she forgot to eat after lunch, 6 year old using everything in sight as a weapon, 7 year old wanting to spend the only dollar he has.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

This. This was my trip to the grocery today.

While I was bagging up my groceries (thanks Aldi) and trying to quietly keep from losing my ever loving sh*t, the lady next to me asked if I have one of those phones that takes pictures.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

Trying not to convey my annoyance to someone else adding to the million questions that make up my day, I replied that, yes I do have one of those fancy phones.

She asked to take a picture of me with the kids. At the grocery. Together.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

She told me that she wishes she had photos of herself doing every day things with her kids.

She validated the fact that a simple grocery trip is hard. She told me that what I do matters.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

She doesn’t miss what made the days hard, but she misses what made them sweet.

I will always cherish this picture and the message that came with it.

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

Everyone who saw Jess's story loved it.

One woman responded to her post, writing, "So awesome!!! God bless that lady for giving you such a gift! And God bless you for being a rock star mama!!"

Facebook / Jess Wolfe

And another woman wrote, "I was once a mom of 4 taking them all to Aldi… wish I had a picture to remember how I did it! Sweet lady, and hugs to you momma!"

If you think every mom deserves a photo like this, please SHARE this article with your friends!