You're walking down the sidewalk when you notice a ladder next to a building in front of you. There isn't anyone on the ladder at the moment, and it is blocking your path, but you still don't walk under it.
Instead, you walk around the ladder. Why? Because that would be bad luck of course!
Every day, there are signs all around us. In fact, there are even symbols in our dreams that might be trying to tell us something.
These kinds of symbols are everywhere when you're awake, too. They're called omens. Not everyone believes in these kinds of signs, but plenty of folks do, and they tend to have very specific ideas about what constitutes an omen — and what they really say about the future.
According to the Merriam-Webster, an omen is "something that is believed to be a sign or warning of something that will happen in the future."
That broad definition can cover everything from harbingers of bad news to signs of good luck to come.
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1. Black Cat

A black cat is perhaps the most classic example of an omen. However, this common superstition is actually quite complicated and often misunderstood. They can actually be a good or bad omen.
Historic Mysteries explains that bad black cat omens come from a mix of beliefs. Some of these include their association with witches, darkness, and death in the Middle Ages.
However, the Egyptians revered black cats. They are also considered to be good luck to fisherman and pirates, so don't be afraid to pet that black kitty that keeps visiting your house!
2. Itchy Ears

Have you ever had an itchy ear for no apparent reason?
There is an old superstition that says if your left ear is itchy, someone is saying something good about you.
However, itching your right ear means that something bad is being said about you.
3. Spilling Salt

There is a long-standing belief that spilling salt is a sign of bad luck.
How Stuff Works says that this omen originated in ancient societies, where salt was a valuable commodity. Therefore, spilling and wasting it was a sign of bad luck.
4. Putting Your Clothes On Backwards Or Inside Out

Have you ever put a piece of clothing on the wrong way?
There is an old wives' tale that says putting your clothes on backwards or inside out can bring good luck.
According to Good Luck Symbols, you must keep it that way all day in order for it to stay that way. If you fix it, your luck will turn.
5. Seeing Your Doppelgänger

Merriam-Webster defines doppelgänger as "a ghostly counterpart of a living person."
It has also come to mean a double or alter ego, or even a look-alike. If you ever come across someone who looks exactly like you, it is thought to be an omen of impending death or bad luck.
6. Pointing At A Rainbow

Rainbows are traditionally symbols of good luck, often representing a path you must follow to a positive conclusion.
However, it may be better not to draw too much attention to them.
When you see a rainbow in the sky, it can be an instinct to excitedly point at it. However, according to today.com, some cultural traditions think that pointing at the rainbow is like questioning the divine and will bring you bad luck.
7. A Snake

Snakes have been feared throughout history. Very few have ever been portrayed in a positive light within any stories.
Many people also fear snakes. Some of them are poisonous, after all. For these reasons, crossing paths with a snake is almost always considered to be a sign of bad luck.
8. Tingling Hands

Having tingly hands is always a weird and disorienting feeling. Some people think it could mean something.
Astrologers at Ali Noura explain that this feeling could be an indication of future wealth or status.
The theory is that the tingling sensation predicts that your hands will be full of cash in the not-too-distant future.
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