9 Clever Ways To Use Cucumber Around The House

When it comes to cleaning and fixing things around the house, you're more likely to reach for the cleaning supplies under your sink or a toolbox than you are to look in the fridge.

However, there are tons of unexpected items lying around your house that can help you out of a sticky situation, and few items are more unlikely or more versatile than the coolest vegetable out there — the cucumber.

While they are delicious to eat, they seem to have even more incredible uses that don't have to do with consumption at all.

It might sound strange, but the truth is, cucumbers are incredibly useful around the house.

For instance, would you have ever imagined that you could use a cucumber to fix a squeaky door? What about to clean your bathroom mirror?

Continue reading, and learn how to harness the power of cucumber in ways you probably haven't thought of before.

1. Defogging A Mirror

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Sometimes a foggy mirror is unavoidable, especially if you like to take long, hot showers.

Rubbing your mirror with your fingers seems to always leave a mark so, what to do?

Take a slice of cucumber and rub it all over your mirror. The juice will actually work to repel steam instead of just acting as a bandaid solution.

2. Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Cellulite is a problem that almost all women share regardless of how big or small they are.

Instead of opting for a store bought cream, try rubbing a cucumber on your skin and watch the cellulite (almost) disappear.

According to Daily Routine Fitness, phytochemicals in the cucumber flesh cause the collagen in your skin to tighten up, while smoothing out the appearance of your cellulite in the process.

3. Shine Your Shoes

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

It always seems like  polish goes missing exactly when your shoes get scuffed up. Instead of running to the store try strolling to your fridge to find a solution.

Rubbing a slice of cucumber on your leather shoes will give them just the shine they need without the harsh shoe polish smell.

4. Fix Squeaky Hinges

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

There can be nothing more annoying than a squeaky hinge. Still, it can take months to get around to fixing these types of small household problems.

Instead of reaching for the tool box and going out of your comfort zone, try rubbing the hinge with a cucumber.

It acts as a natural lubricator and the squeak should be gone in no time!

5. Reduce Under Eye Puffiness

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

It's pretty well known that putting cucumbers on your eyes will reduce puffiness, and this hack really does work! The water and cool temperature of the cucumber act to reduce inflammation. Plus, it feels great to close your eyes for a few minutes!

6. Prevent Garden Pests

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Most humans really like the taste and smell of cucumbers, but bugs don't share our good taste.

In fact, Western Exterminator Company attests that bugs like ants, moths, mites and wasps hate the smell of cucumbers.

If you're having a problem with any of these, just place some slices in the problem areas and you'll notice that the bugs retreat. Cucumber slices work just as well, too.

7. Facial Steam

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Cucumber infused beauty products are everywhere, so why not try to recreate some at home?

An DIY cucumber facial steam will revitalize you and your skin. Just add boiling water to a bowl with some cucumbers inside.

The steam will capture all of the cucumbery goodness that will absorb into your skin.

8. Eliminate Bad Breath

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

You can eliminate your bad breath without brushing your teeth by just using a slice of cucumber.

Pop it into your mouth for around 10 seconds. When you take it out, you'll notice your mouth feeling almost minty fresh. This trick is great in a pinch when you can't make it to the bathroom.

9. Polish Sinks And Faucets

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Are you faucets looking like they could use a little TLC?

Instead of rummaging around underneath the sink, try rubbing the stainless steel with a cucumber slice. The vegetable is surprisingly effective at lifting off tarnish and making your appliances squeaky clean.

Learn something? Make sure to SHARE these cucumber hacks with your friends!