Make An Adorable Kitchen Apron Without Any Needle Or Thread!

I love to cook, but I'll admit, I'm terrible at cleaning up after myself in the kitchen.

I always start out with good intentions of cleaning my workstation as I go, but by the time the buzzer goes off, the kitchen is usually a WRECK. It's probably because I don't use brilliant kitchen hacks like this one that makes it 100 times easier to clean your stove.

In addition to messy counters and a sink full of dishes, my adventures in cooking usually turn me into a disaster as well.

Why? Well… OK, I'll admit it. Sometimes, when I can't find a towel, I'll wipe my hands on my pants. Sorry, Mom!

What would really help is a kitchen apron like this DIY one we found over at A Beautiful Mess.

Even though it won't clean my kitchen while I'm making dinner, it would at least keep me from getting so much of that dinner on myself.

Scroll through the images below to learn how you can make one without sewing a single stitch!

A Beautiful Mess

I know it sounds too good to be true, but you really can DIY this adorable apron without touching a needle or thread.

You will have to handle some scissors, though. Think you can handle it?

A Beautiful Mess

Start with a perfectly square piece of fabric, the sturdier the better.

Emma at A Beautiful Mess suggests that the fabric be at least 23 inches square, but you may need to adjust that slightly based on how tall you are and the length of your torso.

Start by snipping off a small triangle of fabric at the "top" of the apron, to give it a straight line across. This will form the apron bib.

A Beautiful Mess

Then, attach two small grommets (available at any sewing or craft supply store) at the top of the bib.

Thread some ribbon, robe, or other material through the grommets and knot so they won't pull all the way through.

These cords will be how you fasten the apron around your neck.

Use the remaining two grommets on the sides of the apron, right about where your waist will be.

Thread more ribbon or rope through them and knot. This is how you'll fasten the apron around your middle!

A Beautiful Mess

The finished product is an absolutely adorable kitchen apron that only takes about 20 minutes to make.

What a perfect way to keep dinner off your new jeans!

If you want a slightly fancier version that requires a sewing machine, check out the full post on A Beautiful Mess.

Do you wear an apron in the kitchen? Tell us about it in the comments.

Please SHARE with all the messy cooks in your life!