Just about everyone struggles to get out of bed in the morning. Whether you have to get up early to go to work, or you're forced to roll out of bed to get your errands done, sometimes it would just be so much better to stay in bed for a few hours longer!
Thanks to the helpful invention of the alarm clock, we've been able to cut our sleep short, and while all of us would love to wake up naturally, it seems like that's simply not something that many of us get the opportunity to do.
However, for one adorable little baby, it seems like he has absolutely no issue when it comes to getting out of bed and greeting the day! Dad saw his little baby soundly sleeping without a single care in the world; that's when he started playing a little song, and within seconds, it seems like this little baby has the music running through him like nothing you've ever seen!
Can you imagine waking up like this every morning? Not only was he up and ready within seconds, but he went from dreaming to dancing in mere moments. Hopefully this adorable little guy's parents get him interested in dancing, because he could win any dance competition in his sleep!
Please SHARE this amazing video if you'd love to wake up like this, too!
Baby wakes up dancing
Posted by James Coleman Jr. on Friday, March 21, 2014