Two Girls Busking ‘Kiss’ By Prince Are Interrupted By A Talented Stranger

Sometimes, an interruption to a performance can be the absolute worst thing ever, like a cellphone ringing in the middle of a Broadway play, or a baby crying in the movie theatre. In rare cases, however, an interruption can actually enhance the show.

On April 15th, 2016, that's exactly what happened!

Kiddo Kat and Heidi Joubert were jamming on the train in Germany to the classic 1986 Prince song, "Kiss." According to Kiddo Kat's Youtube page, this jam session was part of an afterparty for one of their shows. At about 2:03, a male voice starts singing along with the two women — and they both quickly realize that they ought to let him share the song.

As fate would have it, the man who interrupted was no other than Ozzy Lino, a "random passenger" with his very own musical act. The crowd quickly started clapping along with the spontaneous collaboration between the three artists. As Kiddo Kat says on her Youtube page, this is what music is all about.

There's nothing like a surprise during your morning or evening commute, and this brings to mind a recent in-transit proposal we covered earlier this year! What's the best thing you've ever seen while riding the train? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE this awesome musical collaboration with all of your friends and family on Facebook.