Kids Were Heartbroken After Learning They Were Going To Disney For Basically The Cutest Reason Ever

This adorable story comes to us from our friends at AOL.

Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we are apparently not going…

At least, that's the tough news two parents had to break to their young children.

And it did NOT go over well.

A Washington couple thought they were giving their son and daughter the ultimate Spring Break surprise Monday on morning: A week at Disneyland.

KCPQ reports that over the past few weeks, they told the kids they'd be going to Grandma's instead, in order to cover up their big vacation.

Turns out, they underestimated just how exciting a trip to Grandma's can be.

Right after the couple breaks the "good" news to their unsuspecting children, they almost immediately start bawling.

"Noah and Maddie, we are not going to grandma's today," mom Julie tells the kids.

"Nope, we're not going," dad follows up.

"You know where we're going instead?" mom drumrolls. "DISNEYLAND!"

Aaaaaaand cue the tears.

"We're gonna go on a plane, and we're going to California, and we're going to Disneyland …" dad kept trying, to no avail.

"…we're going to see all the characters, and we're going to ride the rides…"

Still waterworks.

Luckily, after some serious explaining of how awesome Disneyland is, the kids changed their tune and are now very excited for the trip.

Lesson learned: Don't mess with the grandma.