Woman Tells Her Friends And Family She’s Pregnant With A Creative ‘Say Cheese’ Surprise

When Crystalee Beck and her husband had some big news to announce, they didn't want to go about it in the same way that every other couple does. They had to think of some way to let their friends and family onto their big life changes in a way that everyone will remember for years to come.

For young couples, finding out they're pregnant isn't only exciting, but a huge catalyst for change in their lives. It's no longer just husband and wife… there's going to be a whole new life to take care of and to share the love with.

Beck is a writer, but she is also very dedicated to her church community and extended family, so she had a lot of people who she needed to reveal the news to, including some of her young students from church.

When she stands with a few of her friends and her sister, they all think that they're posing for a picture. They stand there smiling, ready to be caught in one single frame. What they didn't know was that the camera was already recording a video. What Beck says next has most of them stunned for a moment before realizing that this is no normal photo opportunity.

One of the best parts is that they have everyone's individual reactions caught on camera to look back on forever. What great memories they made at this exciting time in life.

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