E.T. The Walrus Shows Off His Impressive Vocalization And Whistling Techniques

While singing for the Beatles, John Lennon famously claimed to be the titular seafaring creature in the silly tune, "I Am The Walrus." The lyrics make little to no sense, likely the ever-quizzical Lennon's intention to confuse his listeners, and frankly hardly does justice to the magnificent marine animals. I'll be honest, the song and the Lewis Carroll poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter," was actually the farthest thought I'd ever put into any walruses.

But after finding this video a few days ago, I've realized just how much awesome talent I'm missing out on from the amazing, non-fictional examples of walrus behavior! The big guy seen here, who weighed in at over 3,7000 pounds, was named E.T. and spent a long, happy life at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, WA. Sadly, he passed away at the age of 33 after multiple procedures failed to conquer his medical issues.

Of course, no one who was lucky enough to spend time E.T. will ever forget their pal. Orphaned as a child in 1982, he not only flourished under the zoo's care, but learned some incredible tricks along the way. His most impressive and well-remembered was his uncanny talent for vocalizing and even whistling at his trainer's command. I had no idea walruses could whistle!

You'll probably want to put your volume at a low level before hitting play on the video. E.T.'s spectacular sounds can pack quite a punch! The performances ranges from his natural tone to a "gurgle."

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