When one DIY-er recently heard wailing screams emanate from his workshop, he set off running.
Imgur user othiencosplay arrived on the scene to find his girlfriend hysterically crying. She was clutching her $500 Kurt Geiger stiletto, which their dog had claimed as his chew toy, and completely ripped to shreds.
Totally mortified and desperate to remedy this situation before it spiraled further out of control, he grabbed the shoe from her hand, set it on his work table, and immediately began plotting its revival.
Thankfully, he had a slew of metalworking skills to fall back on during this crisis. Before long, he rebuilt his girlfriend's once-tattered shoe into a metallic work of genius.
Covered first with a leather patch, then in stainless steel and brass, this creative builder recreated her ruined shoe into an amazing work of art.
Keep scrolling to see how this devoted boyfriend transformed his girlfriend's tattered stiletto into a fashion-forward statement piece.

When Imgur user othiencosplay heard his girlfriend's piercing wail, he set off in a sprint toward his workshop.
He found her completely beside herself on the floor, clutching her now-ruined $500 Kurt Geiger stiletto.
Just beyond her, their pup cowered in shame — now realizing he'd chewed the wrong toy.

He couldn't tell what was in worse tatters, the shoe or his girlfriend's spirits.

At first, this devoted boyfriend tried to remedy the situation by fashioning a quick leather patch to cover the gaping hole his dog had left behind.
However, that fix just wasn't enough.

He'd need to tap into his DIY-ing prowess to solve this problem.

This builder quickly fashioned a simple stainless-steel plate to cover the shoe's ripped hole.

Then, he let his imagination really run wild.

He added all sorts of beautiful brass embellishments along the shoe's sleek new heel.

This DIY-er then turned his attention to the shoe's toe.

He tried his hand at a few different designs before landing on his final creation.

As a finishing touch, he repainted the shoe's leather black, to better juxtapose his new metal adornments.

This wonderful boyfriend turned his girlfriend's catastrophically ruined shoe into a fantastic, high-fashion work of art!
What do you think of this DIY fix? Have you ever reimagined something your pet mistook for a chew toy? Let us know in the comments.
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