Everyone loves going to a good wedding. Even if you aren't very close with the groom or the bride, seeing two people exchange their vows is one of the most heartwarming occurrences out there. These two people are about to spend the rest of their lives together and you got to be a part of their journey!
While the groom and the bride certainly have a lot to share, there are a few people in the building who have been with the groom for even longer than the bride has. We're talking, of course, about the parents. From day one, the parents of the groom have been dealing with his huge smile and constant energy. And now that he's finally getting married, he'll have his new wife to dance with!
But first, he has to dance with his mom, and when you see the look on her face, it becomes clear just how much she loves her son!
The dance begins as most of these dances do, but when the music suddenly grinds to a halt, it becomes clear that these two have something much more exciting in store. Dancing to some of the biggest pop hits of all time, this mother and son managed to get the whole wedding party laughing like crazy!
It seems like these two are very close, and we're sure that even though he's married, he'll always be close to his mother!
Please SHARE this adorable dance if you just love weddings like this one!