Wildlife Aid Foundation Saves A Toad Trapped Inside Discarded Tubing

Wildlife rescuers don't always get calls to save animals we're used to seeing rescued the most, like deer, or even stray dogs and cats. All kinds of animals can get into a little trouble now and then, and sometimes require the help of a human to get them out. And it's a wonderful thing to know that there are dedicated individuals out there who make it their mission to help any stranded or hurt creature they come across. That's why we love the folks at the Wildlife Aid Foundation!

In the past, these rescuers have saved all kinds of animals, from an abandoned bunny to fox cubs that found themselves in tight spots. But they're not limited to saving the warm and fuzzy animals of the wild. They're able to save amphibians, too!

In this clip, a tiny toad is brought into the office in an empty bucket: the poor little guy has been stuck inside discarded piping for what seems to be about a week, and desperately needs help. It's a simple procedure, but a delicate one: the tube must be cut slowly and surely, without damaging the toad's skin or limbs.

Now watch the clip for the moment this rescuer takes a look at the toad's skin…

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