People across the country are reacting to a touching photo snapped by an Indianapolis woman that captures the feeling of anxiety, but also of hope that's been felt by millions in light of recent violent tragedies.
The touching photo captures two small children, dressed in kid-size police gear, kneeling in prayer in front of a police car — their father's.
The photo, taken by the kids' mother, is a statement about how deeply the kids wish for their father's safety, but not just his.
The family wishes for safety for all officers everywhere.
In trying times, it's easy to take sides, make accusations, and fall back on negative stereotypes.
That's why it's important to remember that although people do bad things sometimes, most of them are good and are trying to make positive changes, like the police officer in Arkansas who leads by example doing good deeds around his community.
This photo is a touching reminder that for every person, there's a family who loves them and hopes for their safety.
No matter where you fall in the sometimes overwhelming swirl of debates, it's crucial to remember the human side of things, perfectly summed up by this touching photo.
[H/T: Daily Mail]

This is the photo that's touching hearts all over the country.
It shows the two children of an Indianapolis police officer kneeling in prayer for his, and all other officers', safe return.
The photo was taken by their mother, the officer's wife, who captioned the photo, "Praying their father and all other police return home safely."
She chose to remain anonymous.

The photo was similar to this one from the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office, which showed another officer and his children praying in the car.
Photos like these strike a chord with many, especially those who have police officers in their families and circles of friends.
People across the U.S. expressed their fear for their loved ones, especially during such a trying and contentious time.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department works with its community to maintain good relationships with all.
In this photo, a woman offers thanks and sympathy to two Indianapolis officers following the Dallas attacks.

They work with people of all ages to encourage a sense of community and trust.
Here, an officer explains to a young volunteer all the things he carries on the job.
They also run and partake in a variety of charity and volunteer programs.

In a disturbing and trying time where it seems like people are being driven apart, it's important to remember that there are many people, people from all walks of life, who are working to bring communities together.

If the kids in the photo can teach us anything, it's that in a tough and trying time, taking a moment to remember the humanity behind these stories can make all the difference.
If you're praying for officers' safety around the world, please SHARE this touching photo on Facebook!