Can You Spot This Lesser-Known Sign Of Breast Cancer?

Claire Warner of the U.K. is a wife and mother of two young daughters. Up until recently, Claire considered herself a normal and healthy woman. After all, she had no reason to think otherwise.

But in June 2016, Claire's friend happened to send her an online article about a woman who discovered she had breast cancer after spotting a dimple in her breast. This single article prompted Claire to examine herself — and lo and behold, she noticed a small shadowy dimple under her left breast. It was not a lump and was barely visible to the naked eye, but it was there. "Blink and you’d miss it," she wrote on Facebook.

Claire immediately felt a sinking feeling. But since she didn't feel a lump and wasn't feeling sick, she hoped for the best.

After bravely sharing a photograph of her rare and little-known symptom of breast cancer, Claire's story went viral. Then, her diagnosis came.

Scroll down to see the dimple and diagnosis below — doing so could literally save a life…

Claire Warner would not have noticed the slightly shadowed dimple in her left breast unless her friend had shown her an article about this lesser-known warning sign.

Twitter / Claire Warner

To document her sudden and terrifying journey, Claire started a new Twitter handle called My Left Boob. It's her 'diary of finding a dimple.'

Twitter / Claire Warner

Claire then received her official diagnosis: the dimple was a 14mm grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. Cancer.

Twitter / Claire Warner

By the time reality set in, Claire's story was being shared across the globe. 'Never thought my own left boob would go viral,' she said.

Twitter / Claire Warner

In the thick of her nightmare, Claire attended a music concert. There, she saw a beautiful rainbow in the distance and snapped a photo; she took it as a good sign.

Twitter / Claire Warner

Almost one month since she first noticed the dimple, Claire underwent surgery to remove the cancerous lump. 'Bruising looks far worse than it feels!!'

Twitter / Claire Warner

After surgery, chemo and radio therapy, Claire has every hope of being cured. Now, she's on a mission to spread the word about this little-known symptom.

Twitter / Claire Warner

'Please take time to look at your boobs,' Claire says. 'It could save your life.'

Twitter / Claire Warner

Everyone should see this. Please SHARE Claire's story with your friends on Facebook, and help us spread awareness!