Hero Dad’s Instincts Kick In At Exactly The Right Moment

Those who are lucky enough to have a wonderful father will agree that dads are truly one of the greatest gifts a child can have. And as we’ve seen many times before, they’re the ultimate protector.

In the video below, Mom is behind the camera making sure to capture her daughter, Alyssa, as she bikes happily around the driveway. Her parents took extra precaution and made her wear a helmet, but of course you never know when disaster may strike elsewhere.

Just as the little girl goes to whip around at the bottom of the driveway and head back up to the house, she starts veering too far over — and heads straight for the family's SUV parked to her right. Alyssa is a mere split-second away from crashing right into the car, head first, and potentially injuring herself big time — but that’s when her dad's incredible fatherly instincts kick in.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Dad in a bright green T-shirt darts over to Alyssa.

I gasped during the super-quick moment of potential horror, and I'm sure you will, too… But will Dad be able to save the day? Watch the video to see for yourself.

Please enjoy this short but sweet and surprising moment, and then SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!