Dad Gives Expert Tips On How To Catch A Wiggly Toddler When She Runs Away

If you have ever run after a toddler before, then you know they are very fast.

They happen to be even faster when they know their parent is running after them. If a child is in a playful mood, it can be nearly impossible to catch them! You pretty much have to wait until they get tired of running.

How To Dad has some brilliant methods for catching your wiggly babies and toddlers if they are trying to make an escape and the usual methods aren't working. Do you have a go-to choice when this happens with your kids?

He has eight different methods that will help you catch a baby. My favorite is letting them come to you by pretending that you will leave them there — it takes a lot less work than some of the other choices!

If you're confident in your baby-catching skills, his one-armed scoop looks like the best option for you. It takes a fair amount of speed on your part and coordination.

If you thought this video of his was funny, you will also love the video of him teaching parents how to put a baby seat in the car!

For more of his hilarious tips, check out the How to DAD page on YouTube and Facebook!

Don’t forget to SHARE this with all of your friends and family who have children!