Ice Cream Man Arrives On The Block And This Little Girl Just Can’t Handle It

Do you remember the days when you could get such great joy from such simple things? Things like your favorite TV show coming on, or Mom cooking one of her best dishes for supper. If only I could still get that excited about smaller things in life, everything would be so much more fun.

There is one thing, however, that people from 0 to 100 years old will always get excited for: the ice cream truck.

When I hear that music coming toward me, I still get a little excited. Even if I know I'm not going to get any ice cream, it brings back such fond memories of the time I spent at Grandma's house. She lived on a cul-de-sac, and every late afternoon, my brothers and I would hear the faint jingle of the ice cream truck's music coming our way. We'd run inside, ask Mom or Dad for a few dollars, and run back outside to purchase our melty Spongebob or chocolatey cones.

When this little baby hears that familiar music, she rushes to the end of the driveway to peer around the car.

Lo and behold, there it is, in all its glory.

Luckily, her parents are going to let her indulge in a pre-dinner dessert.

I know exactly how the little kid feels, don't you? I could definitely go for some ice cream right now, that's for sure.

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