Mailman Films A Very Grumpy Cat Who Hates Getting Junk Mail

It’s an old trope that mailmen hate dogs, and vice versa.

While I’m sure there are actual cases of this — who would want to come face-to-face with an angry, unleashed dog while at work? — there are plenty who like dogs.

My mail carrier, for instance, loves the dogs in our neighborhood! She always takes the time to pet my pup when we cross paths on my street, and I’ve even seen her holding my neighbor’s dog when she was still just a puppy.

Maybe the new menaces of postal workers are cats — at least that’s the way it appears in this video. This cat is on a mission to make sure the mailman doesn’t get one letter through the mail slot, and it looks like he just might get his way! In a daily ritual between the cat and his mailman nemesis, the cat uses his quick reflexes to guard the mail slot from inside.

Every time the mailman tries to slip any letter in the slot, the cat’s paw comes out to bat it away. He even tries to steal a glove at one point!

OK, perhaps this cat is less of a “menace” and more of an “adorable mail slot defender,” but he still is quite the postal obstacle. I will say, though, I want to hire this cat to protect my mailbox from all the junk mail that comes through!

Please SHARE this video with anyone who loves a mischievous cat!