12 Things You Should Absolutely Never Do At A Wedding

It is pretty amazing how many people don't know how to behave at weddings.

Of course, weddings should be a time for joy and celebration, but they so often turn into an opportunity for someone to embarrass themselves, put their foot in their mouth, or commit a devastating faux pas.

The solution? Just know the rules. There are definitely unspoken rules for attending any wedding. And thank goodness there are — I can't tell you how many times I've been made uncomfortable at a wedding because someone didn't know the correct etiquette.

I've seen people get way too drunk, I've seen people start arguments, and I've even seen people actually complain about the wedding to the bride herself on her big day!

Scroll through below for a list of 12 things no one should ever — under any circumstances — do at a wedding. Did we leave any important ones off the list? Let us know in the comments and make sure to SHARE to spread the word to help others avoid future embarrassing wedding stories.

1. Wear White

NBC via Popsugar

You know this one. But for some reason, somebody always thinks that this is an "outdated" rule. It's not. Don't wear white. There are so many other beautiful colors to pick from, so why not just go with one of those?

2. Overdo It At The Bar


We've all seen someone who has had one too many at a wedding. Don't let this happen to you. An open bar is nice, but it can lead to any number of embarrassing moments, all of which are likely to be captured on camera for people to see for years to come.

3. Hog The Aisle

Flickr / Pat (Cletch) Williams

Don't worry about taking a picture or getting a better view. During the ceremony, the aisle is for the bride and the wedding party. Keep all arms, legs, heads, and torsos 100 percent free and clear for the duration.

4. Call The Bride For Details On The Wedding Day

Flickr / futurestreet

There has got to be some other way to find out the location or the time or to get directions. Call someone else. Check the invite. Or better yet, take some initiative and do a little research and planning before the day of the wedding. The bride has enough going on without having to stop to give directions!

5. Show Up Late


In all likelihood, the start time for the wedding has been announced weeks or months in advance. So there should be no excuse for tardiness. Show up an hour early and see the sights around town if necessary. But whatever happens, don't be late!

6. Complain

(c)JudsonWeinsheimer @ Judsonian.com
Flickr / Judson Weinsheimer

It sounds crazy, but just don't complain at a wedding, especially not to the bride or groom. Whatever the problem, or whatever seems distasteful, just hold it in. The wedding was likely very expensive, so let's not make anybody feel bad about what is supposed to be a beautiful day.

7. Try To Switch Your Seat


Don't do it. Things were planned well in advance. Somebody took the time to select exactly where each person is sitting. Respect the seat assignment and maybe even try to make a new friend!

8. Have An Argument


No fighting, no arguing, no minor tiffs even. This is neither the time nor the place. You'd be surprised just how many weddings involve some kind of argument. Don't ruin the bride's day — save it for the car ride home!

9. Spend The Day On Your Phone

Facebook / Thomas Stewart Photography

Remember this photo that went viral months back showing wedding guests recording the ceremony and blocking the groom in the process? There's a photographer, so put the phone away and let them take all the beautiful shots they can. Enjoy the moment instead — this couple will only get married once!

10. Spill On The Bride


Drinking red wine? Wonderful. Just stay 10 feet away from the bride at all times. Actually, just to be safe, better make it 20.

11. Let Your Kids Run Wild


It's wonderful that the kids were invited. But this is a wedding and not a playground. If they aren't able to sit through an entire ceremony, then a babysitter is probably the better option!

12. Make It All About You

Flickr / Ian Turk

And above all else, this is not your day. This day belongs to the bride and groom. If at any point things seem to be about anybody except the bride and groom, something has gone awry!

What else did we miss? Let us know what other unspoken wedding rules there are in the comments.

And don't forget to SHARE to help others avoid making these oh-so-embarrassing mistakes in the future!