When a tragedy like a natural disaster strikes, it's hard to keep everyone safe and sound with little to no warning. Tornados, earthquakes, and even tsunamis can strike without warning, though there have been technological advances in past few years that have given us just a few more precious minutes to prepare ourselves as best we can, or flee.
But even a minor event can cause a lot of damage. When a small earthquake shook at least seven states, including Oklahoma, one family almost lost more than their chimney.
The Alley family was in their home, and 12-year-old Corbin was sitting in front of the television. All of a sudden, they all felt the house shake and tremble, and dad Joe sprung up to see what was going on.
Then he realized that it was an earthquake.
He looked over at his son, and also saw that he was in danger.
As if by a father's instinct, he yelled at his son to get down, and jumped on top of him to shield him from the cascade of bricks tumbling down.
Joe was injured: a gash in his head required six staples. But both father and son are lucky to be alive, and the pile of bricks in their living room reminds them of that.
Please SHARE if you know it was a father's intuition and quick-thinking that helped spare the life of a young boy, and avert tragedy!