Pound For Pound, This Little Girl Can Probably Lift More Weight Than You

When I was a 6-year-old girl, I had a lot of hobbies. They included make-believe, bossing my little sister around, and reading Magic Tree House books. They did not include hefting enormous weights over my head like a tiny, pixie-like demigod.

Fortunately, where I let the world down, this little girl picks up the slack. Yes, she looks as innocent as a summer day and she’s probably in the first grade, but kudos to this little firecracker for bringing serious artillery to the gun show.

The move she is so effortlessly pulling off here is called a "clean and jerk." It’s a two-step movement wherein the lifter hefts the weight to chest height, and then steps her back foot out while pushing it up over her head. You can see a grown man attempting it in this video.

She also bears a certain resemblance to this little weight lifter, but I’m not sure he’s hefting quite as much.

In this case, the weight in question is 26 kg (or roughly 57 lbs). That may not sound like a huge amount, but just for comparison’s sake, the weight of an average 6-year-old is about 44 lbs. So, take that as you will.

If you were impressed, please SHARE this gravity-defying girl power with your friends!