Every day, I pass old pieces of furniture that I just know could be used in cool and creative ways — if only I knew how…
Needless to say, these discarded furniture pieces are often left exactly where I found them.
But thankfully, there are many people in this world far more creative than I — and they've uploaded the fruits of their labor to the internet for people around the world to enjoy!
And though I love any and all clever upcycling projects, my all-time favorites are those that salvage broken or unwanted antiques. I just really enjoy seeing history be brought back to life with a little spit shine and a lot of love.
But of the many upcycling projects I've seen — and loved — the tutorial you're about to see is one of my all-time favorites. Not only is it adorable, but it's fun and functional too!
What do you think of this little DIY project? Let us know below, and please SHARE if you know someone who'd love this craft!
When Tandy found this old sewing table, she knew it had seen better days. But she realized that with a little creativity and a dollop of elbow grease, this antique table would make the perfect planter.

To get started, she first bought a cheap pot for $5 from Wal-Mart. It fit perfectly where the original sewing machine used to sit.

Next, she used wood filler to correct any imperfections in the wood.

Once that was done, Tandy tackled the hardest part — picking the paint color. She settled on "Caribbean" — and it looks like her furry friend agrees!

She then got to painting. After many layers, she was ready to sand.

With an 80-grit sanding block, Tandy lightly distressed the piece.

Once that was finished, it was time to stencil. She used a projector to help trace this design.

After the text was finished, she sprayed the entire piece with polycrylic to protect it from water damage.

And voila! After planting a few of her favorite flowers, Tandy's antique sewing table had become a beautiful planter!

What do you think of this antique planter? Let us know below!
Please SHARE if you know someone who would love this!