It's hard to imagine life without one of your senses, unless you've been there yourself.
We take so much for granted in life, it's important to take a moment to remember just how lucky we are to be blessed with certain things. We don't think twice about listening to a great song, watching a sunset or taking a walk, and yet so many people would do just about anything to be in our shoes for a few moments.
We've featured some truly great "firsts" here at LittleThings, like when this little angel who got to see her mom for the very first time in her life and this deaf mom who finally got the chance to hear her son's voice. In the following video, we see one of the most touching moments of all time, when a very brave 4-year-old girl named Kai gets hearing aids that change her life.
According to the description in the video her mom posted on YouTube, Kai was born with only 50% hearing in one ear and 65% in the other. Although she could hear some faint noises, it sounded like she was underwater.
When Kai tries them for the first time, she tells her parents something that truly touched my heart. For the first time in her life, this little girl can actually hear what her own voice sounds like.
Please SHARE this beautiful and very special moment on Facebook to put a smile on someone's face today!