5-Year-Old Boy Saves Unconscious Father By Calling 911

Jackson McManus of Detroit, Michigan was just 5 years old when he called 911 about his father Mike. In an instant an ordinary little boy was turned into a local hero.

Jackson's father Mike suddenly became unconscious from low sodium to a medication he was taking. At that point, like 5-year-old Ariza did when her mother had a seizure, Jackson kicked into action and called 911.

The problem was, Jackson didn't know his address. However, the patient dispatcher helped him navigate the scary situation.

She asked him where he went to school and more questions, like what were the numbers on the front of his home, that helped the ambulance track down the family. Jackson ran outside and flagged the ambulance down.

Today, Mike is alive because of his little boy.  "When I was told how they got there it was a pretty awesome feeling, you know… how he stepped up," Mike told 7 Action News.

"He definitely helped that day more than he'll ever realize and good job to his parents too," the dispatcher said.

If we can learn anything from Jackson and Mike, it's the importance of teaching children how to dial 911 and moreover, how to recognize emergency situations.

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