Man With MS Completely Transforms An 800-Year-Old Cave

Humans may have left the caves thousands of years ago, but thanks to some creative minds, we might soon be looking to return!

This cave dwelling in Britain is believed to be almost 800 years old — but judging by its luxurious interior, you'd never be able to guess!

In 1999, Angelo Mastropietro took shelter from the rain on a bike ride in the abandoned cave dwelling in Worcestershire, U.K.  More than 10 years later, Angelo learned that exact same cave was up for sale.

After being abandoned for over 50 years, Angelo was able to turn this musty cave into a bright and sparkling home away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Now, like this entirely underground village in Australia, Angelo has given new meaning to the expression "man cave."

But this home was more than just a unique retreat. After being diagnosed with MS, Angelo knew his life needed a drastic change. And, now, after months of difficult work and renovation, Angelo life definitely seems to have been transformed…

Would you ever live in a cave? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE!

Last lived in in 1940, this 800-year-old cave needed a major upgrade. Because of this, Angelo was able to purchase the entire cave system for around $95,000.


In desperate need of repair, Angelo got to work, throwing himself into the massive project.


Before purchasing the cave, Angelo had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, or MS. The cave project offered him an outlet with which to handle his diagnosis.


Angelo carved, cut, and drilled into the sandstone hillside to renovate the cave. He ended up excavating over 70 tons of stone by hand.


But all of Angelo's hard work eventually paid off beautifully.

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Looking at his bright, modern home — complete with Wi-Fi, running water, and underfloor heating — you'd never guess you were standing in an 800-year-old cave.

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But despite its many modern luxuries, the caves maintain their rustic flair. The decorations inside the home are reminiscent of early cave dwellings, with animal hides and simplistic paintings.

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Angelo's home would now provide the peaceful, relaxing lifestyle he so desperately needed after his diagnosis.

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While struggling with a physical condition that at times left him paralyzed, Angelo was able to create this beautiful and unique home.

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Far from the stresses of life, Angelo could relax in his hand-dug "man cave."

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Outside the cave, he fitted his new home with chimneys and patios, allowing him to bask in the beauty of nature.

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Grand Designs Series 15

"MS was triggered by health and lifestyle and that was the catalyst I needed to remind me that I needed to be mindful of my health and be respectful of my lifestyle. I wanted to be in a place where I had a happier and healthier life," Angelo told DailyMail.

"It's in a beautiful location, it's uplifting, it makes you feel good, it's very relaxing. While you are a mile from the nearest pub or supermarket, you're a thousand miles back in history."

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Would you be able to live in a cave like this? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE!