Watch This Woman Twirl To Reveal An Amazing Cinderella Costume

If you think you're satisfied with your Halloween costume this year, you may want to think again. The woman in this video just set the bar really high for one of the most intricate Halloween costumes I've ever seen!

Whether or not you're dressing up in couples costumes, or if you're getting your inspiration from other eras, you'll want to dress up as Cinderella this year.

And if you believe that dressing up as the classic Disney princess is only for small children, think again!

This Cinderella costume is very special. First you see this woman dressed up like the princess before she meets the fairy godmother, who transforms her dress and makes her look regal.

But now we think that Cinderella didn't need a fairy godmother, after all! With some good sewing skills and a little patience, she could have made the magical dress all by herself.

Just watch this woman twirl in her costume. You can barely see it, but she quickly removes some pins, which release extra folds of fabric… At :12, you'll be shocked to see those folds drop and reveal a much more elaborate and beautiful costume. Even her hair is changed in just a couple of seconds to reveal Cinderella's updo!

If you're just as impressed with this costume as I am, please SHARE!