Artists Create Stunning Sculptures Using Nothing But Snow

There are some out there who have the most extraordinary of talents.

Some, like the three incredible Bartz brothers, utilize their skill and dexterity to craft breathtaking snow sculptures each year.

Below, we take a look at several types of majestic snow sculptures that have been crafted by crazy talented people — some anonymous and some sought after around the world.

Some of these sculptures have been crafted in the backyards of family homes, and some were painstakingly built on the day of an ice sculpture competition.

Others were snapped from overseas, and some were featured on the blogs of art enthusiasts.

Whatever the case, have fun and take a look at all of the wonderful masterpieces that we have witnessed over the years, and let us know which one you liked the best!

Scroll further to see the splendid pieces of snow sculptures, and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Some of these sculptures are a family affair, like the majestic shark crafted by the Bartz brothers.

Facebook/Bartz Snow Sculptures

Others portray a more familiar kind of scene, like this life-sized pooch playing with his toy.


Others will transport you to another realm, like this sleek snow leopard does.


Other sculptures come in herds, like this family of elephants.


And some originate from another era altogether, like these long-lost dinosaurs.

Facebook/Dinosaur Depot

Some have superhuman strengths, like this icy sculpture of a human-hawk hybrid from Thailand.


Some are treasured species, like this walrus by the Bartz brothers.

Facebook/Bartz Snow Sculptures

Some are marked with a profound meaning. This snow sculpture of a rooster from China looks like it was plucked right off the corners of a temple building!


And some dazzle us with their intense geometric shapes, like this howling wolf standing tall atop mountains.


Please SHARE if you would love to see snow sculptures this winter!