Patric Welch wasn't sure what was causing his symptoms, be he's now certain that his phone's "OK Google" feature saved his life. Patric was raking leaves in his backyard when he started to feel his chest tightening. At first, he didn't think anything of it, believing that he was just out of breath from the raking. But when the tightness in his chest became a sharp pain, he knew it was something more serious.
Patric used the "OK Google" voice-activated search feature on his phone to look up the symptoms of a heart attack. And he had every symptom listed.
Thankfully, the search also yielded a caution: "Don't tough it out." Patric says that he was hesitant to call an ambulance, but that those words made him tell his son to call 911.
EMTs told him that he was, in fact, suffering a major heart attack — an artery that was 100 percent blocked had to be operated on once he arrived to the hospital. Doctors then told him that if he had waited any longer, he would have died.
"OK Google" isn't the only voice-activated search engine out there: Apple's Siri has also saved a life, and has even helped a woman realize that she won the lottery!
Now this father is thankful that the "OK Google" feature was there to help him — if it hadn't been for the feature, he says he would have waited longer to look up his symptoms, which could have had disastrous consequences!
If you're thankful that technology is there not just for leisure, but to also save lives, please SHARE!