I am no daredevil, but I certainly am in awe of people who engage in activities that are perilous or dangerous in any way. I've never gone skydiving, or driven at 200 miles per hour, but just by watching all kinds of crazy GoPro clips and home videos of fast-paced adventures, I can feel myself already get a little dizzy!
But what three daredevils are doing in this clip looks both thrilling and accessible. Seeing miles of Florida shoreline in one frame made my heart drop, but these three are so cool and collected that they make it look like a piece of cake!
Three people board a helicopter, and fly above Navarre Beach, Florida. When it looks like they're at an appropriate height, they start climbing out of the helicopter. And because they're equipped with GoPros, we can live this adventure as one of them.
Watch them cling onto the side of the helicopter, and just when you think they're going to jump to skydive, they do the unthinkable… They simply dangle from the helicopter for a few seconds before letting go and plummeting to the ground.
Watch the exhilarating footage and you'll be sure to want to try this yourself.
If this clip got you excited to try your hand at skydiving, please SHARE!