I can't hide it: I am a total cat person. I say this as someone who also has three dogs, and who actually receives infinitely more love and cuddles from those dogs. My cat mostly ignores me, but I'm completely obsessed.
So as a cat person, I love to spend some of my time looking around online for cat-themed stuff! When I lived in Oakland, I'd just hop over to my local Daiso and buy the first cat-themed item I set my eyes on. But now that I live back in Tennessee (where nary a Daiso can be found), I stick with Etsy.
And honestly, Etsy might be the way to go anyway. I'm not sure where else I could find something quite as fantastic as these socks that you can customize with photos of your cat all over them. I mean! How delightful would it be to look down at your sweet kitty on your socks halfway through your workday? 100% delightful.
Of course, the aspiring plant mom in me thinks these small kitty pots are purrfect for all the baby plants I'm going to buy this spring. And since all of my baby plants from last year are happily growing into toddler plants this year, I'm feeling like my odds of keeping a new brood alive are pretty good. And speaking of plants, what garden is complete without a precious cat statue , nestled up in a nap?
Although as far as statues and the like go, this yoga kitty might be the best one. If porcelain is more your thing, you can snag one (or all three) of these adorable guys .
And last, but certainly not least, you can buy four cat-themed gel pens for $2.99 . Two dollars and ninety-nine cents! Y'all. Please.