When 6-year-old Zejd, who is hearing-impaired, walked into a classroom full of students who can hear, no one knew what to do. Zejd didn't know sign language, none of the kids or teachers did, but he was expected to learn just like the other kids do. In 2003, Bosnia enacted laws so that kids with disabilities would study along side kids without them. Which is a great idea, right? Why should our children be treated like anything but equals? The only issue is, how can teachers provide an equal education, when they don't all have the same abilities?
Zejd's classroom came up with a brilliant solution. Why doesn't everyone just learn sign language? The parents got together and raised money for the school to hire a new teacher. Suddenly, everyone's life was changed. Zejd felt like he was really a part of things, and the students all learned a second language that will help them for the rest of their lives!
“I like to learn Zejd’s language so I can talk to him and to other deaf people,” one of Zejd's friends, Tarik Sijaric, told AP. “It is fun.”
“He looks forward to going to school,” his mom, Coralic, said. “Now he is happy and motivated.”
Being different shouldn't mean that you get left behind. If a few 6-year-olds can take the time to be more compassionate and empathetic, then what's anyone's excuse?
Please SHARE if you think this classroom sets a great example!
Students Learn Sign Language for Classmate
These students learned to sign to make a new classmate feel welcome.Correction: At two points in this video we erroneously write the student's name as Zjed. The correct spelling, used elsewhere in the video, is Zejd.
Posted by AJ+ on Monday, February 8, 2016