There's just something about dogs that everyone loves. Whether it be their amazing personalities, their fluffy fur, their warm loving eyes, or just the fact that they love us so much — no matter what the reason, just about everyone can agree that dogs really are one of the best pets to have.
So when this one family decided they wanted to share their love and show off how much they adored their puppy to the world, they had no idea their silly little video was going to go super viral!
It started out simply enough, mom and her daughter began to record themselves singing the timeless classic, "Happy Birthday." Dad comes into the background to join in, when suddenly the little adorable dog takes the limelight from everyone else around him.
As the family sings the whole song, this little dog howls and squeals and barks in the cutest fashion as if to say how much he's a member of the family too!
Maybe the dog thought that everyone was howling and he wanted to join in on the fun. It should be noted that he's not distressed or in pain, so maybe this dog really does just likes to sing with his friends and family.
While it's not the prettiest sounding music in the world, at least you know that everyone loves each other in this adorably silly video!
Please SHARE this adorable video if you think all dogs deserve a family to sing with in a loving "forever home!"