He's known as the "Angry Grandpa" to those who know him, but sometimes all it takes is a tiny, adorable creature to turn things around completely. In this video, this "angry" grandfather and grandson visit the Charleston Animal Society, where the 'ol man — who can be a bit crabby and stubborn sometimes — immediately melts into a pile of mush the second he meets a rescue kitten that recently had to have his eye removed. This sweet cat touched Grandpa completely, to the point he admitted to nearly crying — he can't even believe he's having this type of reaction!
While his other online videos feature slapstick humor and wisecrack anecdotes, this video actually works as the perfect advertisement for animal adoption. I think it's so wonderful how the biggest animal advocates lie within those we may least expect! By the end of this video, I was cheering him on! He's so passionate about the cause!!
And after this video, guess what happened? Angry Grandpa adopted a dog! We knew he had it in him! How wonderful! I have a feeling he's going to make a great pet parent 🙂
Please SHARE this amazing video!