It was an otherwise typical day for restaurant owner Steve Elkowitz when he says he started having chest pains. He didn't think much of it, believing it was nothing more than indigestion. But when his loyal dog, whom he and his wife had rescued a few years ago, began acting unusual, the man knew something might be seriously wrong.
Jake, a 5-year-old rat terrier, refused to leave his owner's side and followed him all over the house. The odd behavior convinced Elkowitz to go to the hospital. When he arrived, doctors told him that he'd just suffered a massive heart attack and was forced to stay in the hospital for two days. Had the man waited any longer, doctors said the outcome could have been grim.
"He's a diamond in the rough, a priceless, priceless dog," Elkowitz said about his rescue dog. "This guy: somebody else got rid of him and he saved my life."
This is just further proof that dogs are gifts from God. It's amazing to see dogs going above and beyond for their owners — returning the favor and saving their lives.
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