A fascinating new photographic trend called “urban exploring” is getting lots of clicks — online and in real life. Urban explorers are shutterbugs that enjoy getting a serious case of the shudders by seeking out abandoned spots like old general stores, malls, and stadiums to snap compelling photos of their decaying ruins.
Sometimes these urban explorers even stumble upon special secrets tucked away within these abandoned places’ long-forgotten walls. At times it’s a hidden Cold War-era bunker, others times it’s creepy dolls, and, once in a while, it’s actual treasure.
One urban explorer who goes by the moniker Freaktography recently stumbled upon an abandoned suburban home. What he finds inside is a treasure trove of nostalgia filled with gems dating back to the 1970s…
An urban explorer and photographer who goes by the moniker Freaktography stumbled upon this discarded house.

The house seemed to have been abandoned for quite a long time and was clearly falling apart.

But then he went into the living room…

...and with closer inspection, found some rare gems from the '70s and '80s, such as…

A Polaroid Colorpack 80

Remember going blind from the flash and then waiting two whole minutes for a grainy image? Memories…
A plastic CHiPS small tyke toddler bike.

Can you just imagine Erik Estrada posing on this bad boy in the late '70s? Dreamy!
Barbie, Ken, and Midge in their finest antiquated attire. Who’s their friend? Why’s her head so big? MYSTERIES!

While Barbie is definitely sporting some 1950s threads, Midge looks downright '70s-chic in her “they call me Cha Cha because I'm the best dancer at St. Bernadette's” ruffled dress. And Ken? His '80s Zubaz pants are straight out of the Reagan era.

There's also a Fisher Price Movie Viewer. Remember these things?

Because using a crank and squinting with one eye to watch a movie is a truly relaxing experience.
The remains of a former Boy Scout uniform were found as well.

This Star Trek lunchbox could have helped keep that Boy Scout healthy so he could live long and prosper.

The Barbie gang wasn’t alone. There were also a few dolls…who always seem to be staring at you…out of the corner of their eyes…

What would you play on this kiddie record player?

Sesame Street Fever? Smurfs' Party Time? Chipmunk Punk? (All real, I swear!)
Apparently, the safest coloring book to color in was unearthed as well.

Not to mention tons of plastic toys!

Like E.T., Yoda, and…

...plenty of other Star Wars action figures!

Not too shabby for an old shabby house!

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