He Picks Up This Tiny Baby. Seconds Later? I Can’t BELIEVE It!

Just like any other living being, caring for a newborn baby mouse is not easy. There is a lot of work, patience and skill involved, not to mention lack of sleep from the nightly feedings. But as you'll see in this video, it's all worth it, as these tiny creatures can grow up to become amazing pets, loyal and affectionate. Stuart, the mouse you're about to meet, is a feeder mouse who was bought from a pet store that sells live baby mice for snake food. But Stuart wasn't destined for to be eaten as a snack — he was given a second chance at life, and his journey is ADORABLE!

Dad's dedication to raising this baby was simply incredible — but this type of commitment is exactly what's needed when raising this type of animal. He says, "What you need: $100-$200 to care for the baby and the adult mouse, commitment to see a project to the end no matter how tired you get, good motor control so you can hold a tiny wriggling baby steady without crushing it, ability to research, understand and follow instructions, a sense of responsibility towards the little mouse so that when it is no longer a cute baby you will still love and take good care of it, this little one will love you as much as any dog or cat would, if you lose interest you will break its heart.

WARNING: do not attempt to raise a "pinky" unless you are a very experienced animal person or it is a true orphan and there is no other choice. It is better to start with a fuzzy, a little mouse between 8 and 10 days old who has fur but whose eyes have not opened yet. You are much more likely to be successful."

I don't understand how some people think rodents are ugly. Stuart is one precious little baby!

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