8 Back-To-School Items That Will Make The Year Fun And Safe No Matter Where A Child Is Learning

Like it or not, it's time for children to head back to school. Kids across the United States are preparing for at least a few different realities: distance learning from home , returning to in-person classes at school, or homeschooling. Wherever your kids are going to school this year, back-to-school shopping is still a fun thing to do together.

It feels especially important to try to make the school year fun for kids given all the uncertainty that so many of us are currently facing. While we may not know what will or won't happen, we can all agree that it's important to make sure our kids feel secure, and that we find small ways to share joy.

Luckily, Etsy is filled with tons of fun back-to-school gifts for children and for teachers this year. A lot lean heavily on personalization, which is a pretty good idea. It definitely makes sense that having personalized supplies is a smart choice as 2020 continues on.

Here are eight back-to-school gifts and supplies for kids.

First Day of School Peg doll

Peggy and Pip

Peg dolls are already a pretty adorable gift for a lot of kids, and these personalized "first day of school" peg dolls are truly the cutest. The dolls come with their own drawstring bag, which makes it easy for your child to take the doll to school and keep it tucked in a desk or their own backpack.

Shop Now: First Day of School Peg Doll ($10.18)

Personalized Ombré Pencils

Vesta Designs Pencils

Right now, it's really important that kids have their own school supplies and that they aren't needlessly sharing items such as pencils among themselves. These ombré pencils are beautiful and are totally customizable. The shop also offers free shipping to anywhere in the United States.

Shop Now: Custom Pencils ($10+)

Portable Sneeze Guard

Brothers Shield

If your child is returning to in-person schooling, their school will probably supply all the safety supplies you might need. However, some children who are enrolled in distance learning at home might find that they still need to go to their school for events, testing, or something similar. This sneeze guard is both lightweight and portable, and it might be a great thing to have just in case.

Shop Now: Economy Tri-Fold Portable Sneeze Guard ($25.99)

Textbook Slipcover


These textbook slipcovers aren't safety-oriented but are just really fun and pretty. Back in the day, we used to make our own out of paper bags … but I like these a lot better! They're also washable and reusable, which will goes a long way toward keeping them safe for kids who are back in school.

Shop Now: Textbook Slipcover ($8)

Personalized Face Masks

Symbolic Imports

Face masks are pretty much a must-have accessory for this school year, and it makes sense to go ahead and order your child their own personalized masks to boot. You can get anything you want on the masks, but their name is probably the best bet.

Shop Now: Personalized Kids Face Mask ($9.99)

Personalized Water Bottles

Personalized Moments

Many classrooms and schools have closed off the water fountains that kids are used to being able to access whenever they're thirsty. A refillable, washable personalized water bottle will go a long way toward helping your kiddo stay hydrated and safe.

Shop Now: Personalized Water Bottle ($15.99)

Days of the Week Face Masks

Family Alike

Some kids are just really into order and rules, and that makes these personalized days of the week face masks pretty ideal. This way, they always know which mask to wear when, and it takes a little bit of the stress off their shoulders.

Shop Now: Days of the Week Face Masks ($56.95)

Worry Button


Similarly, a worry button might be a great gift for a child who is a little extra stressed out about returning to class. The buttons are similar to worry dolls and can help calm down a child who is just feeling a little too much in the moment.

Shop Now: Back-to-School Worry Gift ($4.06)