April 14, 2015 was Equal Pay Day in the United States, marking a national recognition of the disparity between incomes of American men and women. It was covered by American media across the board and bore some thoughtful dialogue about needed reform for the gendered wage gap.
In an effort to raise awareness about the importance of this issue, the below viral video provides statistics about the average amount of income that a woman will lose to her male counterparts over the course of her career. Buckle up, because it’s a doozy.
On average, women will make just 78 cents to every $1 that a man makes working the same position with the same background and qualifications. That means, on average, a woman loses $420,000 over the course of her lifetime. That's nearly half a million dollars lost on the basis of gender. What gives?
A while back we reported on a video that put wage inequality into more literal terms for a group of unsuspecting men in Zurich, Switzerland (the gender pay gap persists in Europe, as well). When they went to withdraw money from the ATM, the amount dispensed was 20 percent less than they’d withdrawn. Pretty cruel, no? Apply that to an entire lifetime’s worth of wages and the importance of the issue because much clearer.
Watch below to learn more. And please SHARE this video with your friends and family to raise awareness about this important issue and create a better future for our daughters!