A Soldier And His Beloved War Dog Were Separated. But A Year Later, A Miracle Happened!

Army Specialist Brent Grommet spent more than a year fighting to get his German shepherd back in his arms.

The soldier and his canine were part of a bomb detection team in Afghanistan until a roadside blast ended their stint. They were then separated.

Dog and military owner reunions are always heartwarming. From the way Odie the dog greeted a U.S. Airman when he returned home from deployment, to this emotional airport reunion, there is just something special about each and every one.

But this story below also proves just how powerful the relationship between a canine and their owner is.

Although Grommet had adoption papers for Matty approved while he was recovering in the hospital, the dog was given to another person. Grommet wanted to get his pooch back, but the Army wouldn’t disclose who adopted the dog.

“I was starting to believe it wasn’t going to happen and then everything, all of a sudden, started turning around for the better,” he told Missouri television station KTVI.

North Carolina congressman Richard Hudson heard the story and got involved. He was able to track down the family who adopted Matty and asked them to return the dog.

“They went and let him out,” the Missouri soldier said of their reunion. “He went as fast as he physically could over to me, about tackled me to the ground and we were just rolling around having a good time.”

Grommet and Matty’s love is perfectly demonstrated in the video below. Just look at them interacting at the :35 mark.

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