These Expecting Parents Get The Gift Of A Lifetime When Their Ultrasound Shows Them THIS!

It’s a special thing for parents to watch a sonogram of their developing child for the very first time. But while visiting the doctor for a routine checkup, one pregnant couple got the surprise of a lifetime.

While watching their ultrasound technician move his sonar device around the woman’s belly, they learned that she was carrying more than she’d thought. While up until the exam, the couple had only heard one heartbeat, as plain as day on the screen they saw two babies. Twins of the same gender! Of course the expecting parents’ first question was whether their babies looked healthy. “So far, lookin’ good,” says their technician with a little chuckle.

“That’s why you poked out so quick,” he adds. “I looked at your belly and thought [no way]…”

We love adorable surprises like this on LittleThings. A while back we shared a video of a couple who was struggling with fertility and, through IVF, became pregnant with not one or two babies, but quadruplets! And we cheered when Desiree and Ryan Fortin received news of triplets after years of struggling to become pregnant.

Needless to say, the parents in the video below were surprised. But we’ve no doubt that this couple, judging by their excitement, is up for the challenge.

This video is sure to put a sweet smile on the face of any parent. But how would you react to such a surprise? Let us know in the comments!

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