Pilot Shocks Girlfriend With Surprise In-Flight Proposal

When you're in a relationship, making sure to set time aside for dates every so often can be a really good way to keep the romance alive. Being able to spend quality time together, getting out of the house, and just enjoying one another's company can get taken for granted if you have been a couple for a long time. If you have been in a rut and decide it's time for a date night or day just to ensure you're spending enough time together, you might realize that the spark is still there, it just needed a little igniting.

When this couple decided to spend the day together flying around in a plane over a gorgeous beach on a beautiful day, they were already in for a great time with each other. But little does this passenger know that she is in for a big surprise!

Like the Pitch Perfect fan who surprised his girlfriend with a musical proposal (with a little musical help from his friends), this pilot had a little help in surprising the love of his life when they set up a giant "Marry Me" sign down on the beach as they flew overhead.

After the initial confusion and shock, she says yes. We just hope they were able to land quickly so they could have a celebratory hug and kiss!

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