Cute Little Girl Meets A Baby Bird And Has The Most Hilarious Reaction

Here's a video guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

Do you ever wonder how those smelly, dirty and pretty much always inhumane petting zoos get so much business? It's because if you haven't noticed, little kids absolutely love baby animals. This cute toddler and her little foal friend are the perfect example, because something tells me the little girl wouldn't be as friendly if the horse was fully grown.

In the following video, which comes from America's Funniest Home Videos via YouTube, we see another little girl who is very excited to meet a teeny-tiny new friend. When this cute, curly-haired little kid is handed a baby bird by her mother, she understandably freaks out because she's so excited. And who wouldn't? The little guy is insanely cute! However, just seconds later the toddler is singing a different tune as soon as the baby bird starts flapping its wings.

The little girl was probably just as nervous as the little bird she was holding, so when it ruffled its tiny feathers, her reaction was absolutely hysterical. In just a few years, she'll probably be giving her feathered friend a bath like in this video, but for now, you just have to laugh at how cute this is!

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