Ben & Jerry’s Has Created An Ice Cream Just For Dogs And It’s Perfect For Summer

Just when you think that Ben & Jerry's has come up with every flavor combination and idea, they surprise fans once again. The ice cream company announced that it is creating dog ice cream that'll be a safe and fun treat for the furry friend in your life.

The ice cream will reportedly be sold on the Ben & Jerry's website, with plans to hit stores soon, but that'll come later this month.

The ice cream was reportedly a passion project for the company, thought up thanks to the dogs who work in the office alongside their good humans. The line is called Doggie Desserts, and the health crisis actually helped push the project into existence. While it was always an idea, the company knew that many shelter dogs were adopted or fostered during this unprecedented time.

Pontch Barker, the French bulldog who spends plenty of time at Ben & Jerry's as a "K9-5er," helped announce the brand. Pontch has his own flavor, called Pontch's Mix, that reportedly contains pretzels and peanut butter. But Pontch isn't the only pooch of employee parents who got a flavor.

A pup named Rosie also got a flavor named after her. According to CNBC, "Rosie’s Batch" contains a fun mix of pumpkin and mini cookies. It's safe to assume that plenty of pups tested the flavors out — and absolutely loved them — before the ice creams went live.

Curious about how they made the mix so dog-friendly? While dairy isn't the worst thing in the world for dogs, it can still be rough on their stomachs. Ben & Jerry's solved this by subbing in a sunflower butter base instead, which makes it much easier for dogs to enjoy. The company plans to sell both flavors individually as well as in packs of four.

That's not the only way that Ben & Jerry's is supporting pets. The company is also going to sell some dog-friendly merchandise on its website. While fans always knew the company was pro-dog, these moves are next level. For many pet parents, having the chance to bond with our dogs has made working remotely even better.

Directly on the company's website, it is open about its dog policy: "Here at Ben & Jerry's, we love our dogs almost as much as we love our ice cream (okay, maybe the same amount). That's why we are proud to have dog-friendly offices, where we welcome our 'K9-5ers' to join their humans at work each day."

"Members of the K9 crew start their day with a pup-friendly treat at the reception desk, and enjoy plenty of pets, cuddles, and walks throughout the day," the company continues. "It's a 'ruff' life for this pack of K9 pals, to be sure. But as any Ben & Jerry's-er will tell you, having their furry friend by their side during the day makes all this hard ice cream work all the sweeter."

Pontch and Rosie are just two of the many dogs who've visited the office before. Each dog has their own profile directly on the Ben & Jerry's site. So really, the K9-5ers are more like dog celebrities. It's a genius idea for the company, as plenty of people love their pups.

The company also launched a fairly new Instagram website just for employee dogs. It's called "BenAndJerrysForDogs" and profiles many of the company's beloved K9-5ers. By getting to know them more personally, it makes it more exciting for future dog ice cream releases. Who'll get a batch named after them next?

Ben & Jerry's may be one of the coolest dog-friendly companies, but it's not alone. Being dog-friendly is such a plus that other big companies have also let pups inside. CNBC credits tech companies for being some of the first to have adopted these policies.

Supposedly those who work at Uber get a very interesting dog perk. They get unlimited paid time off (PTO) that allows new dog parents to help train their dogs. Once the dogs are officially trained, they're able to come into the office. There are reportedly dog beds all around the main office to help keep them cozy.

Airbnb also reportedly has a strange, yet adorable, dog policy. Employee dogs are reportedly given "employee" badges to scan in every day. They also show up as employees in the company's database. It's quirky, harmless, and fun. If Ben & Jerry's has taught us anything, it's that dogs with official jobs are kind of incredible.

As expected, companies like PetSmart are also pretty great with dog parents. At its corporate headquarters, there's a room designated solely for play. Can you imagine what it must be like to play fetch with your dog during your lunch break?

By profiling these dogs, Ben & Jerry's is sending a message. It knows the importance that pets bring. For many people, dogs have served as one of their few comforts in recent months. Being able to share your work experience with your furry buddy is actually pretty healthy — and even better, you won't have to worry about leaving them at home all day.

Having the ability to have an actual product from such a beloved and special brand is important. It proves that Ben & Jerry's sees its employees — and their dogs — as family. Can you imagine how it must feel for Pontch's and Rosie's parents to see the product proudly displayed for consumers? It's a high honor.