How come nothing this exciting happens whenever I go shopping?!
While there's nothing like the rush of getting a good deal at a department store, it's even better when you end up with a good story to tell afterward. After this young teen was surprised on stage at the mall by her idol, Ed Sheeran, I'm sure her shopping experiences will never be the same again. We could easily say the same about the two guys in this next video, who made the following video on a trip to the store, only to have it blow up on the internet.
Just like the girl who decided to step up to the plate when she saw a karaoke machine going at a local shopping center, musicians Clay Shelburn and Zac Stokes couldn't resist the urge to perform when an opportunity arose. The musicians and friends started filming the following video on a trip to Walmart, when they found a tiny toy guitar from the Disney-Pixar movie Cars and started an impromptu rock 'n' roll show right in the middle of the toys section. Their awesome performance of Stevie Ray Vaughan's classic "Pride and Joy" is pretty impressive, given that they had no mic, no rehearsals, and only a cheap, plastic toy for an instrument.
What do you think of their surprise show? Please SHARE this video on your Facebook page if you loved it as much as we did!