A Scruffy Stray Dog Became A National Hero In China! This Story Blew Me Away…

Every so often a true story comes along that is just too unbelievable to even comprehend! The story of a little stray dog in China absolutely blew my mind… it's a tale straight out of a Disney movie.

The stray mutt had nothing and no one, until the day a group of cyclists about to embark on a long journey stopped to give this tiny little doggie a bone. What happened next is truly unbelievable. The dog started following the cyclists, who were partaking in a 1770 kilometer endurance race to Tibet. Twenty-five days and 12 mountains later, the dog had become a national hero, going the distance with the cyclists and giving hope and encouragement to those struggling at the back of the bunch. If you think this dog is truly amazing and inspiring, please SHARE this story with your friends.