Woman Publicly Shares Video Of Ex Drunkenly Dancing And Refuses To Remove It After He Asks

Relationships between exes can be tricky to navigate when there are kids involved. Even once you've established a good co-parenting relationship, it still takes work to maintain it.

As one woman recently shared with Reddit, something that isn't a big deal to one co-parent might be to another.

She and her ex have been divorced for two years.

She writes, "My children's dad & I got seperated and divorced 2 years ago. We're on good terms regarding co parenting. And since he's close to my brother, my brother had invited him to his wedding. Perfectly okay with me since the kids were thrilled to get extra time with dad."

They both attended her brother's wedding recently.

"I was taking a video of mom and my kids at the wedding and posted it on my insta. Hours later, I get a call from my ex yelling about my camera catching him dancing drunkenly in the background. I said 'so what?!?!'"

He asked her to take down a video she posted.

"He told me he's getting engaged to his conservative girlfriend soon and if her or her conservative family saw him in this video then there's gonna be trouble. I thought that was silly. He demanded that I take it down but I declined."

"He insisted saying he was 'technically' recordered via my camera and he did not consent. I called him ridiculous and refused to take it down. He's gotten the kids involved now which got me mad and made the argument escalate."

The top comment reads, "Ask yourself this – is that 'silly' video worth destroying your co-parenting relationship with him right now? Because he is absolutely in the right to demand you take it down if he's featured in it. No one says you have to delete it off your phone, so the memory isn't gone, but it's petty of you to insist it should remain online."

But some people aren't quite as sure the situation is all her fault.

That doesn't mean everyone feels this way. As a second commenter wrote: "I… don't know about this one. If you go to a wedding, you should expect to have your picture/video taken. Most weddings have photographers who are hired not just to take pictures of the couple but also of guests in notable moments.

"Don't do anything at a weddnig you don't want any permanent memory of.

"That said, you still have a right ot ask people to not post this stuff publicly. Just don't be surprised if they say no. Or if people you don't even know have stuff of y ou in the background."

The two should probably have a conversation.

Ultimately, a lot of people think there are bigger issues here to discuss. As a third person put it, "Say you'll take it down, but only if he has a serious and calm conversation with you about how he expects you and your children to compromise to deal with his conservative girlfriend going forward, and then you can make a decision after that on whether those expectations are reasonable or not."

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