When you are scrolling through TikTok, you never know what you are going to find. The categories range from easy dinner recipes to DIY tricks — and occasionally people with fascinating talents.
The Cater Clips YouTube channel posted a video that went viral on TikTok of a teenager with a unique vocal talent. Grace Scullion, 18, from Carnegie, Pennsylvania, recently found out she could delay her own voice. She can delay her voice so her mouth moves but her words come out much later.
Grace’s video starts with her about to explain her unique new vocal trick, but instead, she decides to show viewers. I had to rewind the clip a few times just to fully grasp exactly what Grace was doing. It looked like her words were badly dubbed! Once you watch it a few times, though, it really looks like a voice-over!
After her first video, Grace replied to a comment about a tutorial on how exactly this voice delay actually works. Her advice is to use words that don’t make your lips touch — like “Hi” and “Hey.” She then pans over the room she is in to prove there is nobody else in there with her, so it isn’t a voice-over.
If you watch closely, you can see her throat move when she does use her voice, which she points out herself. She says, “To do it, I try to over exaggerate ‘mouthing’ the first word, but I won’t add my voice until my mouth is completely still and closed. It’s almost like ventriloquism, but the illusion of mouthing the word first makes it unique.”
I will be honest — shortly after watching this video, I ran to the bathroom to give this new vocal trick a try. It took a few times to get it right and actually look good, but it is doable!
Her reactions to her own talent during the video make it even more entertaining. Her pure excitement about what she just discovered encourages you to want to try it yourself.
To learn how to master Grace’s voice delay trick, click the video!