Eddie Fisher And Princess Margaret Had A Steamy Fling: ‘His Own Real-Life Fairytale’

Eddie Fisher allegedly experienced "his own real-life fairytale" when he slept with Princess Margaret, according to Eddie's ex-wife, Terry Richard. Terry wrote about their fling in her new memoir, Beauty Queen Dreams, and said she only felt comfortable sharing the details since Eddie's daughter, Carrie Fisher, spoke about it on TV in 2016.

Terry also shared more details about the steamy fling her ex had with Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth's sister, in an interview with the Daily Mail.

The night that Eddie — who would go on to marry Debbie Reynolds and then Elizabeth Taylor — shared with Princess Margaret in 1953, was one that he spoke about often, even while he was married to Terry. "Eddie never talked about Princess Margaret in public, he respected her too much, but he told me about their encounter many, many times during our marriage. He looked back on it with great affection," Terry told Daily Mail.

At the time that Eddie met Princess Margaret at a ball in London, he was a "massive star." "I guess you could call him the Harry Styles of his day," Terry said, adding that Princess Margaret was one of his many fans. She was such a big fan that she allegedly wrote him a note.

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"Eddie landed and received a note from the Princess telling him how much she was looking forward to meeting him at the ball, which Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother were attending," Terry told the newspaper.

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When they met, Eddie was 24 and Margaret was 22. He was reportedly instantly drawn to her. "Eddie was smitten with her the first time he saw her. He told me she was tiny with the most beautiful piercing blue eyes. He sang for 45 minutes at the ball and directed all his love songs straight at Margaret," Terry told Daily Mail.


The attraction seemed to go both ways, based on Terry's account. Princess Margaret allegedly invited him over to the Clarence House, had a car sent to pick him up, and greeted him wearing "a see-through negligee with lace embellishments," according to Terry.

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The details of that night were reportedly etched into Eddie's mind for years: the chandelier, the silk pillows, the pink decor, the smell of cigarettes and perfume. And of course, the "explosive sex."


"In a weird way Eddie used it as a seduction technique. He would talk about it as a precursor to sex. It was a memory that turned him on," Terry said.


Terry told the publication that Eddie had said the two of them "fit perfectly" and "laughed and joked around" after they hooked up. "You have to remember they were the biggest stars on the planet at the time. It was a month before the Queen's coronation and Margaret was probably relieved to be able to let off steam," Terry said.


Plus, the way Princess Margaret allegedly approached Eddie shows a different side of her. "In some ways the fact she slept with Eddie goes against the narrative that she was this poor girl who was doomed to be unhappy because she couldn't marry the man she loved. Eddie told me she was a girl who knew exactly what she wanted and on the night of the ball she wanted him," Terry told Daily Mail.