This Is The Untold Story Of Why Princess Anne Really Missed Prince Harry’s Christening

Princess Anne, renowned for her tireless work ethic within the royal family, made a surprising decision in 1984 when she opted to skip the christening of her nephew, Prince Harry. This unexpected absence raised eyebrows, leaving many to wonder why the hardworking Princess Royal chose to miss such an occasion. The story, buried in the intricate dynamics of the royal family, sheds light on a history of strained relationships and complex decisions.

The genesis of Anne’s decision can be traced back to a familial exchange between Anne and her older brother, then-Prince Charles. In 1977, Anne asked Charles to be the godparent to her first child, Peter Phillips. Charles, obliging the request, fulfilled the role at the time. However, when the tables turned in 1982 for the christening of Charles’ first son and heir, Prince William, Anne was notably absent from the list of godparents.

Royal author Robert Lacey delves into the intricacies of this familial rift in his book Battle of Brothers. According to the author, Charles wanted Anne to be included as a godparent for William, but he was thwarted by his wife, Princess Diana. The relationship between Anne and Diana was strained.

As Prince Harry’s christening approached in 1984, the tensions within the royal family came to a head. Robert recounts in his book how Anne, accompanied by her husband Captain Mark Phillips, chose to attend a shooting party in the Gloucestershire countryside instead of being present at her nephew’s christening at Windsor.

The shooting party took precedence for Anne and Mark, who felt it would be impolite to rescind guest invitations already committed to attending their countryside event. While Princess Anne has been known for her straightforward and no-nonsense demeanor, her relationship with Prince Harry faced its challenges. Despite the soft spot Anne harbors for her nephew, Anne was reportedly particularly upset by Harry’s actions recently, especially considering the impact on Queen Elizabeth in her final years.

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As with many family sagas, time has evolved relationships, but the choices made during these critical moments continue to shape the narrative of the British monarchy. I definitely wouldn’t want to be on Anne’s bad side!

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